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Climbing the career ladder can mean many things. It may mean getting promoted in the current workplace or getting hired in a larger company. Either way, climbing the career ladder is easier said than done. If it’s easy as people think, everyone should be successful by now. Simply put, it doesn’t happen overnight.
Just like how a person needs to go through each step of a literal ladder, you’ll also have to take it one step at a time, as small as it may be. To help you out, below are eight tips that’ll help you climb the career ladder regardless of your field or specialty:
- Imitate Company Authority Figures
People say that if there’s something you want to become, you have to act the part. With that logic, if you want to become the company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), you have to act like it. So, how to become a CEO? First, keep in mind that it won’t be easy. After all, they have completely different responsibilities, and you might not have the skills it requires, which is why you need useful references.
This goes for other company authority figures as well. Hence, if you want to be the Chief Operating Officer (COO) or the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), you have to do the same, which is to ask for advice from authority figures themselves.
After getting to know how each role works, it’s good to imitate these authority figures. Think of it as preparing for the inevitable. This can also help ensure that you’re not biting more than you could chew. After all, each position will require that you meet the necessary skills.
- Practice Proper Communication
Communication is one of the most critical aspects of a business. It’s how employees interact with each other as well as with the upper management. You’ll find that communicating properly can lead to many benefits, such as:
- Improving organizational practices
- Reducing errors
- Informing employees
- Connecting all departments
There are several ways to practice effective communication. For one, you can start by actively listening to others. It’ll also help if there’s a communication tool with clear protocols that company personnel use. Besides, communication skills can also be an asset when you’re building your corporate network.
- Build Your Corporate Network
Although sucking up to your boss isn’t exactly the most appealing idea in moving up the ranks, but the concept behind it is quite fascinating. When you suck up to your boss, you’re basically increasing your favorability with them. Your goal should be to do the same but not to your boss or your coworkers, but to people outside the company. Experts call this networking.
By building your corporate network, you can establish a good reputation, which may push companies to engage in business with you or, more specifically, your company. Naturally, the higher-ups will very much like this progression, which may increase your chances for a promotion.
You can efficiently build your corporate network by:
- Joining alumni groups
- Participating in corporate social events
- Building your online presence through social media platforms
- Contacting people you’ve had conversations with
Additionally, if you have a connection with influential people, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from them. In other words, you can learn new things from your interactions, which is another way to climb the career ladder.
- Keep Learning New Things
Learning new things will always be one of the essential parts of climbing the ladder. If you don’t learn as you go up, you’ll only stumble when things go south, and you don’t want that. Why do you think interviewees often say they’re fast-learners when applying for a job?
Unfortunately, not all people are fast-learners. So, how can you keep learning new things if you’re already busy enough with work as it is? Below are a few tips:
- Take online courses
- Learn from the greats
- Test yourself every now and then
- Listen to podcasts
- Install learning apps
However, although being a jack-of-all-trades is a good idea, you should also try specializing in a particular skill, especially in something your company needs. That way, you can become more valuable than the typical workers of the company.
Speaking of being valuable, it’s also a good idea to refer to statistics when making decisions.
- Don’t Neglect Data
Statistics play a crucial role in a company. However, most corporate employees neglect data and statistics, and that’s what you have to avoid, especially if you contribute to the decision-making of the upper management.
Looking at statistics and data can lead to many benefits, such as:
- Make future predictions
- Analyze past performances
- Determine the market trends
- Set proper prices according to demand
By paying attention to data, you can advise upper management with their decision-making, which may reflect the higher-ups’ opinions of you, which can lead to a promotion. Simply put, there are many ways to climb the career ladder, but more than anything else, you should be ready to seize any opportunity that comes your way.
- Step Up During Crucial Moments
Every company changes once in a while. For example, there may be a new product. Perhaps upper management is planning on expanding. Either way, these situations create defining moments for the company and, most importantly, for the employees. This is the best time to establish your usefulness in the company.
As such, you must step up during crucial moments, especially if it’s something you’re confident that you can handle. If it’s a product launch, for instance, you can try giving suggestions using vital statistics. If the company plans to expand the business, you can use your connections.
Regardless, after these projects are done, you’re bound to create a reputation for yourself in the company, one that’ll guarantee a higher position for yourself in the future.
Wrapping Up
Perfect opportunities aren’t abundant, so it’s crucial to seize it as soon as it pops up. But who knows when will that happen? So, in the meantime, you should build up your portfolio and influence so that you can easily take the lead when that crucial moment comes, which can serve as a massive step to climbing the top of the career ladder.