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You can’t overstate the importance of a logo. If done right, it is the first thing new customers see and the last they forget following a transaction. A logo gives your brand its identity. It has the power to make or break a company’s reputation, so the process of creating one must be well-thought-out and perfectly executed. In this article, we will focus on common logo problems and how to avoid them as a designer or business owner. Check if you are guilty of any of them and make changes where you can.
1. Too much complexity
Complexity may have worked in the past, but now it’s likely to hurt more than benefit your brand. A logo is supposed to be easy to scan and memorize. Simplicity is also beneficial in that it cuts back on the design expenses and helps you create your logo on a budget. With a little design knowledge, you might actually not need a professional designer’s help.
2. Use of low quality images
Quality printing and reproduction is only possible if you use good quality images in your designs. Since logos appear on different platforms and in various sizes, their image quality should be high. Experts recommend the use of vector graphics, whose presentation is based on mathematically precise points. JPEG images consist of pixels and will lose their sharpness if printed on billboards and other larger surfaces.
Many designers will create a logo design and make it suitable across a couple of different file formats. For example, even though PNGs aren’t ideal for large-format printing, they are popular for use on websites, images, and social media. Some sites don’t even accept SVG files and require a PNG/JPG file.
3. Plagiarism
While there is nothing wrong with picking inspiration from another designer’s work, blatantly stealing someone’s idea can put you on a collision course with the law. On top of that, it will destroy your credibility and reputation among customers and prospects. If you like a design that is already in existence, study it, identify the specific elements you like, and find a way to build from them without leaving hints of plagiarism.
4. Wrong fonts
The most effective logo designs keep textual content to a minimum. Aside from your name or initials, you don’t want potential customers to do much reading. However, if you must include a slogan, ensure you use the right fonts. The evolution of typefaces and fonts has been on a high gear since the introduction of computers, and most of what was stylish a few decades ago is now obsolete. Use fonts that have stood the test of time, and ensure they are applied in a bold and legible manner. For a bit of font inspiration, turn to brands you admire and see what fonts they favor. If you can, find brands that have maintained similar fonts over time—and through logo redesigns. Avoid thin, swirly, and flowery fonts at all costs as they can be difficult to reproduce to different sizes.
5. Wrong color palette
Albeit subtly and in a manner we cannot explain, colors have an impact on feelings and emotions. Consider reading up on color psychology for guidance with the choice of a color palette for your logo. The last thing you want to do is choose colors that will clash with the intended impact of your brand. By reading up on color psychology, you can better understand the way your logo might make customers feel. With a color that works with your brand’s personality, you reinforce the impact you’re looking to make.
You can also get an idea of what colors might work by looking to other brands in your industry and seeing which side of the spectrum they land on. While you don’t want to copy the competition, it can be helpful to get an idea of what other colors customers may have already seen before arriving at your brand.
Whether a logo is pleasing or not is a matter of individual taste, meaning it’s pointless trying to impress everyone. With that being said, knowing the principles of good design can give you an idea of what works and what doesn’t and help you create a logo that befits your brand. By making a few smart design choices, you can make sure your logo is pleasing to the people who really matter—your customers.