5 Reasons why Entrepreneurs need Remote Workers to Grow their Startup


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Remote workers
  • How will I know that he is actually working and not binging on a show?
  • Giving someone a chance to work outside the office will disrupt our company culture.
  • I don’t want to set a precedent with the rest of the team.

If your manager has whined about this a couple of times in the past few months, it means that the potential of working remotely hasn’t yet dawned on them.

In a 9-5 environment, working remotely might be considered as a curse. However, as an entrepreneur, remote work is the most efficient way to the cut-down the overall costs and saves precious time.

In a study, it was revealed that more than 86% of employees feel comfortable working alone. While 61% of employees believe that a loud employee is the most significant office distractions.

We will have more people working from home or entire teams of professionals working from anywhere in the world, very soon. Let’s look at how an entrepreneur can leverage the power of remote working.

1) Remote workers are more Productive

One of the most prominent benefits of a remote worker is that employees can quickly get more work done at home because of no or low levels of distraction.

The traditional work environment demands social mingling with your co-workers; however, in startups where more than several things are running simultaneously, end-result counts. Moreover, people are more productive in their homes.

Modern-day employees find it flexible to work in their most creative hours and run personal errands for the rest of the day. For instance, some early-risers are the most creative in early morning, while some are nocturnal beings. The deep work, the laser-focus, and the peaceful environment help them think creatively and come-up with unimaginably creative ideas to solve problems.

In an era where companies expect employees to take their work home and complete that important presentation for the client, give final touches to that report, or do last minute touch-ups to a document, it is not a big deal to provide them the liberty to work from home altogether.

2) Fewer meetings mean more work

Of course, some meetings are necessary to communicate deliverables and set a path of action, set goals, and measure the progress of deliverables. However, pop-up meetings can lead to long-haul discussions, which is why it’s essential to cut down on redundant meetings and instead, do everything on a task management tool. TaskQue is an excellent tool which can help you assign tasks to your remote employees, follow up on the assigned tasks, and reallocate tasks to your idle resources in real-time with the queue feature.

Weekly meetings can be held on Zoom or any other similar tool. It is stupid to call out meetings every few hours. Schedule your meetings at a time when the remote employee can quickly attend. Alternatively, if there is a meeting, give them a heads up a few hours before.

3)  Let your best employees take the driving seat

Usually, the workers who work from home are those who have already made a name for themselves. They are the actual superheroes of your small business. People who find problems within your system and present a solution for it. These are employees whom you expect to stick around for longer than average tenures.

Giving these employees flexibility to work remotely is the best thing you can offer them. You are giving them a chance to improve their work-life balance and show the leadership skills buried deep inside.

You’ve seen how these employees perform at work, so now is your chance to allow these employees to manage their priorities and show how effectively they can manage projects from their home. A new study revealed that happy employees are 12% more productive than other employees.

The beauty of remote work lies in the fact that unlike traditional work environment when employees work from home, ideas flow like an echo chamber. Employees are inspired by their surroundings and present ideas which no one else has thought of before. As an entrepreneur, it will save you from bringing in third-party resources to view things from a fresh set of eyes.

4) Incentives are given to maintain flexibility

Are their any spellbinding incentives that your organization is offering to retain talent? Do you have a well-planned out benefits package that glue people to your organization? Is the company culture or bonuses enough to make employees happy? How about an extra vacation day for employees on their birthdays?

What are the few benefits that you feel will make your employees work harder than other employees? Are the incentives enough to keep the employees from leaving your startup?

Giving employees a chance to work remotely sends a clear message that you trust them to deliver high-quality work even from the comfort of their homes. It genuinely shows the human side of the business where you are valuing your employees rather than thinking as a replaceable cog in the system.

Work-life balance is a fantastic contributor to employee loyalty. It is a kind of incentive that gives employees value and challenges them to prove their mettle.

It is said that the average cost of onboarding a new employee is around 6-9 months’ salary, so a commitment to talent retention isn’t anything to sneer at.

5) Building Long-Term Networks

In a 9-5 set up, it is impossible to socialize with new people and create opportunities for businesses to grow. Most events take place during work hours, making it quite impossible for an average worker to attend.

Remote employees, however, have an advantage to attend those events and meet with professional clients who are looking for a solution to their problems. There is local independence. Remote employees can adjust their time to meet an expert and build their client base.

By giving your employees the freedom to seek out education and engagement, you are positioning your startup as a new leader with an innovative work environment. When the industry professionals meet your employees, their first impression will be a positive one, which will potentially reflect well on your business, allowing you to build a reputation for excellence while supporting your employees’ development.

On a concluding note, if you think that it is impossible to manage employees who are working from home, let us give you an easy solution. You can use TaskQue to assign tasks, get updates on any task, and manage all your resources effectively from the smartphone in your hands.

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