Aiming to Get More Productive? Spruce Up your Workstation with these 5 Easy Tricks


Do you often find yourself wondering why your productivity is not well over the mark as you have always desired it to be? Why do deadlines always slip through your fingers, making you wish that you had put in a bit of an effort?

Well, if you are one in the club! Now is the time to explore.

Have you ever considered how closely your workspace is related to your productivity and performance? Here is a toast to all the sloths in your office, the guy whose desk is so messed up that he can’t even find his own smartphone, the girl who is notorious for spilling coffee on her work desk all the time and leaves it there to dry. Must be some creative adrenaline junkies or something, right? Wrong.

Researchers at Minnesota State University have identified that if you keep your work area clean, green and tidy, you are more likely to perform faster & better.

From sticky keyboards to a drab and listless ambiance, and inadequate lighting, to uncomfortable chairs, everything can make a difference. Are you wondering which small tweaks can help you spruce up an office work that can become an efficiency booster for you? Let’s find out.


Ahoy Matey! We Need Some Light In Here

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A hanging light from the ceiling isn’t enough to liven up your room or even your workspace. Ever wondered why a spotlight is thrown at a performer who is about to hit the stage! Isn’t it obvious because you want them to perform better? Whether the world considers you an artist or not, it doesn’t matter! You just need to make sure that you shine in the limelight, literally.

You can hang a lamp from the ceiling or you can position one right next to your desk! One way or another, just put yourself into the spotlight so you can perform better.


Feeling Frustrated? Put on Your Favorite Songs

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We all love to work in total silence, but what if silence isn’t an option? Most workplaces are teeming with boisterous workers kicking up a storm that is difficult to block out. One way of making an adjustment is to turn up some soothing music so that you can monotone your inner voice and concentrate better.

Choose your soundtracks wisely and only add songs that placate your mind. If you run your soundtracks on YouTube, shift to Spotify or some other alternative option, where you can create your own personal playlist and listen at peace without having to switch between songs. Also, if you can afford a good noise-canceling headphone, don’t think twice! Just purchase it and bid adieu to all the distracting sounds in the background.


Find a Chair that Makes You Feel Like You Own a Kingdom

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Now nobody is asking you to wage a war against the army of undead or orcs rising from the pits of Mordor, but you need to find a chair that makes you feel like you’re Elrond of Rivendell. More than half of the working class average American adults suffer from a backache and most of these occurrences are due to poorly designed chairs.

If you’re not comfortable with the way you sit or if you think your chair is damaging your posture, you need to throw the old one away and purchase a new one right away. In case you aren’t comfortable with the way you sit, there is a high chance that you might end up whiling away time.

It is also important that you don’t keep on sitting forever. Do try to get up, stretch your legs and take a walk whenever you can so you can perform much better.


Make Your World a Bit More Green

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Have you ever considered why humans would spend a better part of their waking time in nature for thousands of years before us? Well, since we have chosen to lock ourselves away in cubicles of high rise buildings, we have undeniably pushed ourselves away from the environment which is essential for our survival.

Some organizational assessments have represented that workplaces having indoor plants are more likely to perform 15% better than organizations which appear barren. Now, hold on for a second, don’t think that you are going to become a gardener if you will put a few green pots indoor. You will only have to water them once a while. They require minimum maintenance and above all, keep the mood alive of your workforce.


Add a Personal Touch to Your WorkSpace, It’s Your Own

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Do you like to place a vase and your favorite action figure in your workspace? Well, if you think it can help you boost your productivity, make sure your workspace is adorned with such. Photos can become a positive motivation for many, so if you think that a certain family member (or your significant other) can be a source of motivation for you, do bring them to your workspace.

However, when you are cluttering your workspace with personal mementos, just make sure that none of them results in becoming a distraction for you. For example, a ticking clock can really get to your nerves when you find yourself under pressure or are trying hard to concentrate.


Speaking of Clutters…

Speaking of muddles, some people are actually messy, but in a good way or so do they believe. They like to keep their workplace looking like it has just been swept by a tornado, or they might not be able to focus at all. However, whether they agree or not, research shows that their productivity and efficiency is bound to plummet down the road. Their frustration levels are high and they are less persistent at achieving their set goals.

Take a look around your workspace. If you think that you can remove some of the items that are unnecessary, now is the chance to do without them. Is there a cup that you haven’t used in a long time? Just because you think you have certain self-proclaimed sentimental values attached to it, you need to change your perception and remove it from your desk space.

You can remove any other item that you believe is cluttering your workplace. Your end-goal should be to make it as less jumbled as possible.

Your workspace should reflect your unique personality. If you love plants, it is time to add some greenery to your surroundings. If you think blasting your stereo headphones with relaxing music can help you focus well, by all means, turn up the volume. Whether you like to sit in a comfortable chair or put yourself in the limelight, just make sure that you position yourself in an environment that does not easily disrupt your attention. Trying new things is never a bad arrangement if only you can strike the perfect balance in productivity, so don’t hold back on making investments in becoming as proficiently productive as you aim to be. Find your perfect style and adjust to it.

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