Once kids receive their first phones, it’s not uncommon for parents to feel concerned and apprehensive about the things their children may get into online. Not to mention, most teenagers stop confiding in their parents, who find their clandestine world almost impenetrable. From cyberbullying to porn addiction, sexual exploitation to phishing, online predators to life-threatening TikTok challenges; countless ways exist for children to run into potentially dangerous situations, right under the noses of unsuspecting parents.
In a survey, 17% of tweens admitted to receiving at least one mail or online message with inappropriate words or images, 22% of girls admitted to posting nudes of themselves online, 70% of children 7 to 18 years inadvertently came across sleazy content while browsing the web, 86% of kids admitted to engaging in online chats without their parents ever finding out, 20% of teenage Internet users have been the target of an unwanted sexual solicitation, 69% of teens engage in online communications with strangers, while 1 in 5 youths ages 10-17 have been sexually exploited online.
These are alarming stats to keep any parent tossing and turning at night. No matter how well a job you have done as a parent, instilling morals and values in your children, teaching them to discern between right and wrong and good and evil, your child could fall in with the wrong crowd and throw all caution to the wind. How do you know what your child is doing behind closed doors when they don’t let you in on their lives. Here are some of the things your kids could be engaging in right under your nose:
Your Kid Could Be Trying Dangerous TikTok Challenges
In this age of social media, teens thrive on 15-minutes of fame through dangerous and fatal stunts. Haven’t we all heard of the injury-inducing challenge that went viral on TikTok, known as the skull breaker challenge, which involves two people kicking the legs out from under a third, making them fall over. In addition to a plethora of reported head and spinal injuries, there has at least been one death. Didn’t we all cringe inside when a teenage boy was declared brain-dead on arrival at the hospital in 2019 as a result of the choking challenge!
Your Child Could Be Sexting
Sexting entails the exchange of videos, photos, and messages that are sexual in nature, through smart phones and other such devices. In a world swarming with sexual predators, blackmailers, and hackers, this can lead to severe repercussions, such as humiliation and emotional distress, suspension from school, and even distribution of child pornography.
Your Child Could Be Falling Prey To Drug Abuse
It’s hard to swallow for any parent that their child could descend into the very world they had sheltered them from and even resort to drug and substance abuse right under their noses. Even if you remotely suspect that your child could be acting eccentric, installing a cell phone tracker in their phones would allow you to sneak a peek into their lives. Since teens are more apt to communicate with their peer over phones, it is also a great way of getting to know their problems, insecurities, and pressures that could be leading up to this mess. In the hopes of sounding all the rage, your child might have put up pictures of them doing drug or consorting with company that could make you cringe.
Your Child Could Be Addicted To Pornography
One study revealed that a whopping 90% of all 8-16-year old teens had seen pornography online – most innocuously and inadvertently while doing homework or simply browsing through their favorite sites. We have heard from countless teens how they received inapt spam mail – commercial, unsolicited, e-mail that often linked back to a Web site, generally of pornographic nature. In fact, sometimes the initial spam messages seemed utterly innocuous, such as a newsletter for a subscription, an invitation to check out a magazine, some joke, or a cartoon. It’s important that parents know the fight they are in against pornography before they can take measures to educate their children and avert its spread.
Your Child Could Be Using Dating Apps
While dating apps greatly benefit single adults looking to interact with and foster relationships with other adults, they are not meant for teens. There is a lot that can go wrong; from sex-tortion to harassment to online predators, teenagers are inadvertently pushing themselves off a cliff by using such sites. Teens have no way of identifying the credibility of a person online, with the result that they often fail to recognize danger until it is too late.
Monitoring Your Teen’s online Activity Through mSpy Could Keep Dangers At Bay
The desire for more privacy is a natural part of growing up, but in reality, your teenagers need your support and guidance to make good decisions. If you need a powerful tool for parental control to keep tabs on your child’s online activity without having to stealthily scroll through their phones, mSpy’s discreet mobile monitoring software runs on your child’s phone in the background to track all activities including call history, GPS location, text messages, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook, Insta, Tinder, web history and more.
Here is the guide how to install mSpy service and protect your kids. Ensure that your kid is not talking to cyberbullies, online predators or any strangers online by keeping an eye on their texts and WhatsApp messages. Keep tabs on all incoming and outgoing calls on your kid`s phone to ascertain that they are not making dangerous plans or consorting with the wrong crowd. Follow your kid`s GPS location directly from your Control Panel to see where they hang out after school. Recover the content shared on Snapchat Stories to see what kind of stories they post. Facebook is teeming with cyberbullies, sexters, and online predators, so it only makes sense to keep an eye open for who they befriend on social media platforms, the content they share, and who they talk to on messenger and on private groups. Monitor what sites your child visits on the Net and check their browsing history. Supervise your kid`s Tinder profile with mSpy to protect them from those who prey on dating apps, and much more without your teen ever finding out.
Remember that timely intervention and support is the key to protecting your child from all the dangers lurking on the web and ensuring their healthy transition into teenage!