Are you worried about high employee turnover of your organization? How can you stop your employees from quitting their jobs? If the answer to both these questions is a resounding yes, then this article is for you. In this article, we will highlight some common reasons why employees quit their jobs. Additionally, you will learn how you can stop them from quitting. If you want to reduce turnover rate, you should identify reasons why your employees are leaving and take appropriate action. Here are some of the common reasons for high employee turnover in any organization.
1. Too Much Work
As an employee, you have to fit in multiple roles in today’s workplace, which leads to stress and anxiety. When stress reaches to unbearable levels, it acts as an stimulant for the employee to quit. Imagine yourself giving your 100 percent but your co-workers are free and spending time on social media sites and playing games on their cellphone. How’s this behavior gonna impact you?
Managers can easily prevent their employees from quitting their jobs by dividing their workload effectively. This is where task management software such as TaskQue come in. With these web-based tools in arsenal, managers can easily distribute the workload equally among employees so that none of their employees is overburdened or stay idle.
2. No Recognition and Reward
By far the biggest grievance most employees have from their employers is the dearth of recognition and reward in their organization. Employees always complain about their contribution not being recognized or rewarded by the top management. To add insult to the injury, non-competent employees are promoted to higher positions. This leaves a bad taste in high performing employee’s mouth.
To address this issue, managers need to establish and implement performance rewards system. Managers must recognize the contribution made by employees, appreciate them and reward them based on their performance. This would only be possible if managers have a proper performance reward policy in place and they use a performance-tracking software to monitor employee performance.
3. Unhealthy Working Environment
Another reason why employees tend to switch jobs is toxic working environment. No matter what the reason of conflicts at workplace might be, one thing is for sure, it will surely have a negative impact on employees. No employee can work for long in a workplace marred with conflicts.
Managers should keep an eye on early signs of workplace conflicts and act quickly. If these issues are not dealt in a timely manner, things can get out of control very quickly. Therefore provision of your employees with a healthy working environment free from workplace politics will ensure that your highly valued assets won’t consider leaving your company.
4. Profits over People Approach
The attitude and behavior of an organization towards its employees make a huge difference. If an organization is more focused on making profits instead of taking care of its employees, then how can you expect the employees to deliver their best? Do not be surprised to see high employee turnover in companies that value profits over people.
If you are a manager of such a company and want to change things for the better, then here are some things you can do to bring a positive change. To begin with, consider employees as your greatest asset. Invest in them by training and developing them so that they may grow and they will return the favor. Convince top management with solid arguments that profits are not everything and employees are the major contributors towards the success and failure of any organization. This will help in making them realize the worth of human capital and once they realize the importance only then they’ll make efforts that will ensure employees remain happy and motivated.
5. Poor Management
A survey conducted by Gallup revealed that more than 70% employees quit their jobs because of their bosses. Almost 50% of all employees are not satisfied with their direct supervisors. Do you know what these stats reflect? It highlights the fact that managers don’t handle their employees appropriately and this affects the management-employee relationship. Employee considers leaving the company than to working under a boss if the boss does not value employees.
How can you turn the tables and retain your employees in such a situation? Build a good working relationship with your employees and ask them for constant feedback. When they share their grievances, address them as soon as possible. Provide your employees with opportunities to grow and give them the respect they deserve and they will surpass the targets you’ve set for them.
6. No Growth Opportunities
One reason most employees give when switching their jobs is the lack of growth opportunities. Every employee wants to advance in their career. When they are not going anywhere with this job, they ditch their current job and find a new one.
The best way to deal with this problem is to show your employees the career ladder and tell them how they can climb that ladder and support them reach the top. This will make them realize that your company offers growth opportunities and they will put in more efforts rather than quitting the job.
7. Lack of Autonomy and Trust
Everyone wants to be empowered to effectively complete tasks. When an employer doesn’t delegate responsibilities to their employees and micro-manages, problems starts. It means that they do not trust their employees. Due to this, the employee feels unworthy and loses confidence and motivation. This is one of the reasons why they quit.
Managers should focus on empowering their employees rather than restricting them, especially, if they want to enhance performance and achieve better results. Tell the employee that you trust them by them responsibilities you feel they can easily handle and make them independent so they do not have to come to you for petty decisions. When an employee feels empowered and has autonomy, he would continue to work for you with all the dedication.
If you want to reduce employee turnover rate, then you must consider them as an asset. This will make them realize that they have a worth. Recognizing their contribution and giving them due credit and supporting them in climbing the career ladder will not only reduce turnover but also enhance performance that will assist in meeting performance targets and achieving overall organizational goals.