Refurbishment Hacks – Productivity Enhancement Tips for Plumbing Experts

Refurbishment Hacks

Most of us would question the notion of productivity hacks for plumbing experts because plumbers are themselves experts in this field. However, you would never know when these productivity tips and hacks would come in handy; especially for those who manage to fix plumbing problems on their own. Those who read ‘Do-it-yourself’ (DIY) plumbing manuals manage to pull off a good plumbing job when it comes to fixing small issues like a leaking sink tap, pipe leak or other small plumbing works.

Plumbers work round the week, but they do have off days. Despite their presence, residents must learn plumbing hacks, tips, and techniques in order to solve plumbing issues in case there is no plumber available.

Productivity enhancement tips for plumbing experts may sound boring at first but believe me; they are quite interesting and are truly tried & tested to help boost productivity.

I will now discuss productivity enhancement tips which are not just only for plumbers, but also for the home-made plumbing experts as well.

Tip # 1 – Remove all distractions

Distractions don’t just limit themselves to time wasting mundane activities because they can also be any personal issue or a lingering matter that can be petty in nature. Do have a time out for a bit of enjoyment but do not let enjoyment erode your previous working time. If there are any lingering personal matters, then you should resolve them first before starting your work.

Tip # 2 – Create separate lists for tasks & needed equipment

As odd as it sounds, this is actually very helpful. When it comes to a plumbing task, plumbing experts can fall prey to mixing up tasks and needed equipment. Such results in a mix up of tasks and equipment needed for a particular plumbing task, which then results in more time consumed for petty and mundane tasks. Multi-tasking can be time-consuming because it requires a person to jump from one task to another in a sudden.

Helping create separate lists for tasks to do & for the equipment needed helps task allocation as well as focus on getting the needed job done. If you have tasks such as fixing the bathroom sink tap ring and kitchen sink drain pipe leakage, then focus on the task that can be easily done (say the bathroom sink tap ring). That helps get the task done right and in the needed manner as well.

Tip # 3 – Make full use of scheduling and management systems

Plumbing experts need to integrate scheduling & management systems in their daily routine. At times, scheduling customer appointments and keeping track of helpers can be cumbersome, especially if there is no database or management system around. Managing them by hand can make it all even more cumbersome.

Scheduling & management systems are not just any software but also present in simple apps that help with easy scheduling, management, and invoice billing. They can be integrated with QuickBooks which help plumbers keep track of technicians, track time, service calls & organize files.

Tip # 4 – Understand your current task

It is best to understand the current task you are working on. If you’re a plumbing expert, you must understand that even you can make small mistakes. First, understand what is needed from you for the current task i.e. if the kitchen sink has a broken tap then work on fixing the broken tap. If the sink has both a broken tap and a leaking drain pipe, then try fixing the tap first because that can prevent further leakage which then helps ease in fixing the broken drain pipe of the sink, and vice versa.

Tip # 5 – Make buffer time between tasks and projects

Do not put all the tasks on the same day. Give yourself some time and give your team some time if you are running a large-scale plumbing service. Between each task, you must allow a time-space of around 5 to 10 minutes for phone calls, small breaks or anything that can help you relax. Yes, allow your plumbing technicians some buffer time so they can have a deserved time out. Let them relax and rest for any foreseen and unforeseen events so they can perform better. Do the same for yourself too.

Tip # 6 – Set time limit for each task

Always set a time limit for each task especially if there are multiple plumbing problems around ranging from broken sink taps, leaking pipes, leaking drain pipes to broken cisterns. Strategize each day and put aside time blocks in order to complete tasks.

Here is how you can set time limits for each task:

9:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Responding to customer calls and queries.

9:30 AM – 10:30 AM: Ordering & purchasing supplies, equipment and other essentials.

11:00 AM – 12:45 PM: Responding and dealing with the first set of customers depending on urgency and terms.

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM: Lunch.

2:00 PM – 3:15 PM: Follow-ups with customers about their recent service appointments and calls. Also responding to more customer calls about services in need.

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Checking over invoice reports and for outstanding payments.

Tip # 7 – Be planned for the unplanned

This sounds scary but it doesn’t because it simply asks for you to be prepared for any unforeseen event; like an illness, a vehicle breakdown, traffic incident, storm or adverse weather conditions and the like.

The best laid out plans can go awry and estimating time & durations isn’t easy. You need to manage customer expectations and do your best to ensure they are not infuriated, even when the service delivery goes awkward. Although working at a relaxed pace can boost productivity, teach your plumbing technicians how to work in less time so you can exceed customer expectations decently.

Ensure that the customer’s trust stays intact and be true to your words because it really matters.

Tip # 8 – Have a sense of urgency when doing work

We all get distracted in one way or another, and it impacts our sense of urgency. The plumbers can get involved in slightly casual conversations either with customers or with their associates when on their way to work. Having a sense of urgency is known to boost productivity.

For plumbers, the following steps can help create an improved sense of urgency:

  • Plumbers must be sure of their commitments and timings: They should write them down and follow up.
  • Senior plumbing technicians should lead their junior associates b example.
  • Interrupt irrelevant discussions during working hours and focus on the tasks at hand.
  • Give importance to the tasks and work at hand.
  • Appreciate technicians for the good work they did.

Tip # 9 – Schedule vital tasks and activities first

Dealing with the most urgent, vital and critical activities first helps discover time for less important tasks with ease. It also helps boost customer satisfaction by responding to customer issues that are of top priority. Scheduling vital tasks first also helps put aside mundane and unproductive tasks aside that not only kill time but damage productivity too.

Tip # 10 – Give your plumbing technicians time to relax

It can be considered a thankless job, but plumbing is work that can never be written off. At any time of the week, a customer may call complaining about any plumbing issue that can be a broken cistern, a leaking tap, seepage problems, sanitary ware problems, and other plumbing related issues. If you’re the sole plumber around, you need to have a break from your daily routine and let your customers know about it too. You can thus delegate to your junior associate if you’re on leave.

If you are running a large-scale plumbing service, then you need to keep track of your technicians’ work and schedule. Give your technicians some time off so they can relax and be back to work in good health and spirits. After all, health comes first.

Concluding Point

There you have it, here are the ten productivity enhancement tips that can always surely help plumbing experts and plumbers. It is said that a human’s experience, ingenuity, and intuition can be better than a robot’s precision. Hence, plumbers and plumbing experts can never be truly replaced by machines. Also, the work plumbers do needs precision and plumbers are precise. These productivity tips can help plumbers boost their productivity thereby creating improved customer satisfaction and raising the level of their service quality as well.

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