How are companies reinventing Human Resources by leveraging the power of AI?


Hey Siri! Request a leave for tomorrow.

Siri: What type of leave? Sick or Vacation

Me: Vacation

A pop-up alert is sent to my phone saying, ‘Your leave request for tomorrow has been sent to your manager for approval. You’ll shortly receive an alert on your mobile for the status of your leave.’

This is not your HR manager coordinating with you, this is an HR Bot which is designed to dominate the day.

Imagine the case of Steve, who just shifted to a new address and want to update the address in the system. In old days Steve is forced to fill a form, submit a request, notify the HR, and wait for the confirmation. Not anymore. Now, Steve uses HR bot to update his profile within a few seconds.

HR involves a large number of repetitive tasks to be done each day. AI can help automate these tasks and save a lot of valuable time for the managers and the high-end employees. Some of the tasks can be automated by HR bots while others can be replaced by AI tools which are available in the market.

Here are some of the ways in which companies are using AI to overpower humans:

Don’t be surprised if your FAQs get answered by a Chatbot

No joking. In 2014 – a company called Loka launched Jane, first-ever AI-based Chabot that answers all the questions that are related to HR. For instance, “Will there be an off on President Day?” Jane is capable of tons of questions like these which are fed in the database.

Furthermore, Jane can also track down the issues that the employees are facing in real-time and address those issues then and there using sentiment analysis and real-time analysis. For example, if the majority of the employees are asking about late payments, this will notify the accounts department that there is some issue with the payment. Before the problem gets out of control, the higher authority can resolve the issue and come up with a solution.

Of course, Jane is just a machine, it can answer most of the questions which are fed into the system but the real challenge will be when Jane will face an unidentified scenario and it will be amazing to see how the system will respond.

Let the machines do the Talent Acquisition

Just like Google Assistant can make hotel reservations on the phone, chatbots of the future will be able to tap into multiple sources to acquire the best talent, schedule an interview with them and decide whether the candidate is the right fit for the company.

There are chatbots in the market which are already sourcing out the best candidates and ease out the job for mid-level HR professionals so that they can focus on more critical and strategic issues that are faced by HR.

Many hours of work will be saved by handing over recruiting and on-boarding the new-hires to machines. And we all know that hiring is one of the most critical jobs performed by HR which drains a lot of energy. With machines taking over, there will be a huge help for HR professionals.

No more mollycoddling for few employees

Humans are bound to get emotional even in the simplest of scenarios. While hiring individuals, HR managers can lean towards a specific employee’s based-upon emotional connection or a shared hobby. Machines, on the other hand, are not biased. AI judge employees solely on the skillset, competence, and even can predict how a particular employee will respond in difficult situations.

For humans, IAT (Implicit Association Test) revealed that their humans take decisions on biasness. Thanks to AI in which the algorithms are designed to remove the bias behavior of the humans and selected employees which can be beneficial for the company.

And the best part of using AI is that it can also screen out managers who have this tendency to favor candidates with competencies or traits which align with the comfort zone of the manager.

Tom Marsden, founder of Saberr said in an interview that the algorithms used in AI are free of any biased behavior, this helps the managers to select candidates on data rather than gut feelings.

Know when your employee is planning to quit

Veriato is an AI platform which can predict when the employees are planning to head for the exit. The platform does this by tracking down emails, browsing history, and even the keystrokes to determine the behavior of the employees. And raise a red flag when the employees divert from the normal behavior. It will also detect the overall tone of the employees and analyze their communications to predict the necessary changes in the thought process of the employees.

As AI is disrupting the HR industry, it is important for the HR practitioners & leaders to learn to take decisions without injecting any biasness among the employees. This transparency will help the employees to trust the new technology.

As for boosting the productivity, managers can use TaskQue to condone the workload and live a happy work life.

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